Amelia Air

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Our First International Rescue!

We are over the moon to announce our first international mission was a massive success!!

In collaboration with SOAR, Animalandia, and Stray Paws, Amelia Air flew 12 stray dogs from Loreto, Mexico to our amazing friends Priceless Pets in Southern California!

They say rescue takes a village, and it couldn't be more true. Huge thanks go out to Kristen at SOAR for coordinating the entire mission; to Norma for hosting Petra & David at the stunning Hotel 1697 Loreto Baja Mexico and El Zopilote Brewing Co. Loreto, Baja Mexico ; to Laurie for making sure Petra & David got to experience the magic of Loreto with Native Davis tours; to Susan & Randy for offering rides, resources, and great company; to all the caretakers/supporters of the lucky dogs--Dassia, Alexandria, Tracy, Denise, Manu, Cherie at STRAY PAWS Loreto and Chris, Hilda and Lucy at Animalandia Loreto ; and of course, to Matt, Ashlee and the whole team at Priceless Pet Rescue for making this all possible!

The preparation to get all the registration, permits, and certificates for international flight started in March, but it all paid off when the flight landed without a hitch on Memorial Day!

At Amelia Air, we believe every animal is deserving of a bright future. We hope this mission is the first of many to help pets beyond our borders. From our whole team, thank you to each and every one of you who donates, buys swag, spreads the word, and supports our work to rescue animals!

Please enjoy this recap video from our first international mission and stay tuned for our latest adventures!